Our Mission
Change is inevitable. Meet it with grace.
Change. It’s inevitable. Empowered, ethical, and authentic women grow through change; it’s in our DNA.
We believe that attitude is all and we have made the conscious decision to approach mid-life and beyond as a sacred space worth owning.
Within this space we seek a community of women to grow and “glow” forward with us—to walk with us, talk with us, and to learn with us—as we address the changes within us and around us as part of the greater global community in which we live.
Join us!

"It's not included as a routine part of women's health. It would be nice to have a more open dialogue about it with with doctors and other women. It's hard to find reliable information on what to expect."
Mary Ann, 52
"I was always extremely active when I was younger. I was concerned that a loss of mobility as I aged would impact, what was for me, a big part of my social life."
Debbie, 63
"I think about issues concerning mid-life all the time. I think of them in a positive way and I try to relay that to my daughter."
Annette, 59